A Telemedicine Visit – Video Telehealth visits
A Telemedicine Visit is a scheduled appointment with the doctor that takes place over video conference rather than in the office. These visits are offered to new or established patients using a HIPPA secure platform. Video Telehealth Visits are not intended for routine physicals or pre surgical appointments.
Telemedicine is fit for a wide range of chronic medical concerns
Patients can schedule the Telemedicine visit for management of a wide range of chronic medical concerns, such as fatigue, thyroid issues, hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism, weight management, depression as well as COVID-19. You can also use a telemedicine visit if you are not sure if you should be seen urgently or your issue can wait. The visits are comprehensive and address your individual risk factors, lifestyle and nutrition, sleep and exercise, thus going beyond a traditional doctor’s visit. Our focus is to help find the root cause of your symptoms and help you balance your health.
You can ask here, at no cost to you, if telemedicine is recommended for your problems.
To your doctor, it’s like an in-person office visit. To you, it’s less time consuming – from the comfort of your own home.
Similar to an in-person office visit, an initial Telemedicine appointment is 90 minutes in length with approximately 60- 90 minutes of digital face to face time with the doctor. Although an annual in-person visit is necessary in order for us to maintain a doctor-patient relationship with you, using Telemedicine we can complete a detailed timeline of your medical symptoms, including a history of present illness, determine and order the necessary laboratory analysis, and provide you with an initial treatment plan.
Your Telemedicine follow up appointment ranges from 30-60 minutes and can include a review of your blood work and other tests, discussing your diet and other questions you might have and providing you with a comprehensive plan of treatment. You will also be able to upload any tests results on the portal and the doctor will review them during the appointment. You may choose to follow-up with us via Telemedicine visits or in-person at any time.
Telemedicine helps you stay safe, while you don’t neglect your health
Telemedicine is a great option for some individuals who are in higher risk categories and need to avoid medical offices, or for people who cannot travel for each appointment as it saves time and can be safely done from the comfort of your home or office.